Programme Notes

Jonathan Cohen - Ali's Stowaway Caper
Jonathan Cohen - Ali's Stowaway Caper
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Written for Ali Ryerson to commemorate her real-life high-school adventure in which she and two friends took an unauthorized trip across the Atlantic in style aboard the S.S. France from the United States to Europe. Written as a gift for Ali Ryerson to be premiered (with Ali on alto) at the first International Low Flute Festival, held in Reston, Virginia, April 2018. This is a jazz waltz that begins happily, describing the beginning of their adventure, followed by a minor section when they are caught and their fate is uncertain, and returning to major when it develops that everything will be fine (with a little help from parental funds).
Scored for 1 alto, 1 bass, 1 contra.
Performance time: 2:00
Scored for 1 alto, 1 bass, 1 contra.
Performance time: 2:00
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